Course description

This course is ideally suited to overseas university students or anyone who wishes to improve their English language proficiency, learn about British culture and have the opportunity to meet other students from around the world.

Sample timetable

You will study for 19 hours per week which includes 11 hours of general language skills with a focus on speaking and listening skills, and 8 hours dedicated to British culture and communication.

The maximum class size on the English Winter Programme is usually 18 students.

Please note that the sample timetable is a guide only. Lesson times are subject to change.

Class time (local UK time)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
9.30am - 11am Core language skills

(general English)
Core language skills

(general English)
Independent Study - 11am Core language skills

(general English)
British Culture and Communication Trip
11am -  11.30am Break
11.30am - 1pm Core language skills

(general English)
Core language skills

(general English)

Core language skills

(general English)

11am - 1pm

Core language skills

(general English)
British Culture and Communication Trip
1pm - 2pm Break
2pm - 3pm British Culture and Communication  British Culture and Communication British Culture and Communication British Culture and Communication British Culture and Communication

Independent Study 

Independent Study  Independent Study Independent Study  Independent Study