View timetables for the English for visiting and exchange students courses.
Please check these pages regularly as timetables may change up to the start date of your course.
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Courses run if there is suffucient enrolment of students with the required English Language level. This course will not be running in
Course code: ULEN20051
Lecturer: Ben Enticknap
Timetable: Not running in semester 1.
Course code: ULEN20001
Lecturer: Ben Enticknap
Timetable: The course is delivered from 10:00 - 13:00 every Thursday from 3 September until 12 December 2024.
Course code: ULEN20052
Lecturer: Sally Morris / Ben Enticknap
Timetable: The course will be delivered from 10:00 - 13:00 every Thursday from 30 January until 08 May 2025.
Courses run if there is suffucient enrolment of students with the required English Language level.
This course will not be running in Semester 2.
Course code: ULEN20002
Lecturer: Ben Enticknap
Timetable: Not running in Semester 2. Please see Advanced English Language in Use