English for Academic Purposes
Course: ULEN20001 English for Academic Purposes (Semester 1)
This course is offered in Semester 1
- Course code: ULEN20001 (Semester 1)
- Credits: 10
- Mode: Campus
- Pre-requisite IELTS 6.5 or equivalent
- Co-requisite: Students can take either ULEN20001.
- Taught during: Semester 1/2
- Timetables: Visit the Timetables page.
This course develops the skills required to participate and complete assessments in most university modules. The first part of the course focuses on how to write essays. Later sessions look at how to prepare and deliver presentations. How to get the most out of seminar discussions is also addressed. It is not an English language course, and should benefit all students who are required to write essays or deliver presentations in English during their time in Manchester.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- recognize a range of basic functions in academic writing;
- analyse the grammatical and lexical patterns of such functions;
- produce extended written academic text that draws on an appropriate range of academic writing functions.
By the end of the course, students should be able to perform at Level C1 of the Common European Framework.
Transferable skills
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- make oral presentations using appropriate media for a target audience;
- write a synthesis of a set of texts.
Teaching and learning methods
Seminars, 3 hours per week.
- individual oral presentation (30%);
- coursework essay (maximum 1,500 words) (70%).