Frequently asked questions
Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about our English for Academic Purposes course.
Full details of how to apply can be found on our how to apply pages.
The minimum period of study for our English for Academic Purposes course is 10 weeks.
The maximum period of study is 40 weeks.
The English for Academic Purposes course is not suitable for advanced students (C1-C2 on the CEFR). You will be advised during the application process if the course is suitable for you.
You must submit evidence that your level is equivalent to IELTS 4.5 overall with no less than 4.0 in any sub-skill (at least B1 on the Common European Framework for Languages). If you require a UK Student visa you will need to have scores equivalent to B1 in each skill in a UKVI IELTS test (IELTS 4.0) taken at UKVI approved IELTS centres globally.
We also require a copy of your passport.
If you have previously studied in the UK you must submit a copy of your previous visa as this may impact upon any future UK visas.
Further details can be found on our how to apply page.
You can pay your deposit (and balance of fees) online once we have received your application and made you an offer. Information on how to pay will be sent to you directly.
Sponsored students must provide evidence of sponsorship (certified letter of sponsorship/financial guarantee).
See our how to apply pages for further information.
You must be 18 years old at the start of the course to be eligible for study.
You must hold valid immigration permission (a visa) that allows you to study in the UK. From 1 January 2021, EU/EEA students who have not applied to the EU Settlement Scheme and who are not Irish citizens also need to apply for a study visa.
More information can be found on the Student Support visa guidance page.
The University Centre for Academic English is a regional IELTS test centre and students can book on to a test during their studies. Please note, IELTS test fees are not included in the course tuition fee.
To view available test dates please see our IELTS pages.
Details about available accommodation can be found on our accommodation page.
Procedure for complaints
We hope you enjoy your course and experience at the University Centre for Academic English. However, if you do have cause to complain, please follow the steps below and we will do our best to resolve your complaint.